Thursday, August 9, 2012


These are my Lovey brothers.
Aaron he is the oldest and he may think he is the smartest, prettiest, coolest, but nahh, he is a dork like the rest of the family. He also likes to paint his nails, he told me that he thinks this color really brings out his eyes.

And this one is my other big brother Drew. He is such a "cutie" according to my sister-in- law chels, bless her heart. Yeah he's totally a 'cutie' ;) Drew and I totally rock at Tanks on the wii, because we herd them sheep! Thank goodness they are coming back to utah soon!! yay!

 So those are my 2 lil' brothers and you may be thinking why am I writing about them when I'm talking about farts?! Good question, but anyone who knows my brothers knows that they are the kings of farting, they do it all the time, when they sleep, when they eat, when they talk, pretty much whenever. And bean night is terrible at the Lords' house, they have to apologize in advance. Bless their wives, If I were Katie or Chles I would FORCE them to stop farting. But farting is just a part of them, and after a while you just have to enbrace it. Aaron and I play the "pull my finger" game, and it really makes me giggle, I do enjoy it and so does Air. So I found something that you guys should try out. It's call a 'FART BE GONE" Flatulence Deodorizer Pad, only $24.95, I think you should try it out! 
Anyways these are my precious brothers, and even though they fart a lot, I guess that's what boys are for, because I wouldn't replace them for anything. I've got my 2 awesome brothers, and because of all my married sisters, I've got 3 extra bonus brothers, who aren't as gross as these two. Thank goodness, at least we've got a few normal ones in the family. Well even though my brothers smell like nasty farts 99.9% of the time they are still my boys, and I love my best friends so much! Smell you later!

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